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This Simple Overlooked Secret Will Get All The Money, Love, and Health you want.  

I Know This Is How You're Feeling...

  • You've got a great idea, but you're too busy to implement it. 

  • You're consuming courses and free content but still confused on how to use it.

  • You're still procrastinating even after trying techniques to curb it.

  • You know success is possible and you struggle with staying consistent. 

  • You have an all or nothing mindset and think of quitting the first time you miss your mark.

  • You constantly feel like what you're doing isn't working and keep changing directions.

    You're not sure where to put your efforts each day for maximum effectiveness.

    I Was Stuck Too - Here's What I Did...

    It was only a year ago that I felt trapped and unable to escape. I felt I never had enough time, energy or money. I was stressed out. I felt angry on a daily basis. 

    I didn't see myself as worthy of success. I knew what to do, I just couldn't get myself to do it. 

    I would start new projects and work on them until I got to something I didn't know. Immediately I would start a new project leaving the previous one to die. 

    My life began to change the moment I was able to trust myself.  

    I started a business with a simple 46 page ebook and sales page. Then something amazing happened. 

    Within my first month I was making $5K per month like clockwork. I would wake up and see all the sales I made while I was sleeping. 

    It was life changing as it completely replaced my income. 

    The tactics aren't what's important, because there are a million ways to make and extra 5K per month. 

    The real secret is getting an active mindset and taking action on it. 

    The only reason dreams don't happen is because people don't take action on them. 

Client Testimonials

With❤️from clients

"If you're feeling stuck... this is how you get unstuck. Max Action has taken the science of action and distilled it down into a simple formula that anyone can follow."

Dan Boe

CEO of Sales Spike

"Max, with the system and techniques you showed me I made $28,743 in 2 months with my coaching practice. For anyone not working with Max, he's motivating and exciting and he's shown me how to make serious and tangible changes in my life. Thank you Max!!"

Gina DeVee

CEO of Devine Living

“I love being mentored by Max Action. If you're procrastinating and need to know how to get the action going, you need to be mentored by someone who knows how to get you in gear and get you the results you want and Max Action is that person."

Dr. Leticia Wright

Host of "The Wright Place" TV Show

What happens during a breakthrough session...

  • During your breakthrough session we're going to plan your next 90 days to experience a radical shift so you can become who you need to be. I don't expect you to retain all of it. Here's what's included:

  • A specific 30 day action plan to implement everything we discuss on our call. These will be specific and measurable goals posts for you to hit and achieve everything we've talked about.  

  • A recording of our Zoom session that you can review again and again. 

  • Weekday access to me directly through Voxer for 30 days so you have the support to follow through on your biggest goals. 

  • A weekly group training call where you can bring your wins for the week and questions. 

  • A professional report of our Zoom session.  

  • The money mini mindset audio. Use this so you can powerfully snap back into a powerful mindset for money in 3 minutes or less

I'm Ready To Take Action Now - Book My 1 on 1

Client Testimonials

With❤️from clients

"Max, with the system and techniques you showed me I made $28,743 in 2 months with my coaching practice. For anyone not working with Max, he's motivating and exciting and he's shown me how to make serious and tangible changes in my life. Thank you Max!!" Gina DeVee - CEO of Devine Living

Here Is What A 90 Minute
Breakthrough Session Looks Like:

Part 1 - Clarity

Where you are right now and where you want to go? Tell me the target you want to hit and let's take aim. 

Part 2 - Goal Setting

You'll have a clear "to do" list for each day of the next 90 days. This will 10X your productivity.  

Part 3 - Overcome Past Trauma and Trust Yourself.

Insecurity, imposter syndrome, procrastination, . 

Part 4 - How to manage your project for success

You have clarity, a plan and the identity. Now you must manage your project to completion and I'm going to show you an insanely easy way to do this. You will always know what to do and when. 

What you will be able to do at the end of our session.

  • Take a break from consuming content and focus completely on your plan for success. 

  • Know in 3 seconds or less what you need to do right now. 

  • Let go of the overwhelm that you're not doing enough. 

  • Ask yourself the 1 question that brings clarity to any other goal you have in your life. 

  • Track your project day by day and follow a well lit path to success.  

  • Know how to scale your results month by month. 

  • Stop over thinking and start taking action. 

  • Know  what things you can stop doing that aren't moving your forward. 

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Bite Sized Tips And Training

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